Over the last few years, blogs have become one of the most popular online personal publishing platform on the internet. It is define as a website that contain frequent updates post with the newest at the top of the page. The type of information contained in blogs varies from people and organizations. Authors of blogs can write on their personal lives, schools, sports and anything that interest them. Since blogs are websites, they can link or post any other hyperlinks about a specific topic, which can transmit that topic to other people quickly. An example of organizational use of blog would be in this blog: http://concordiablogs.typepad.com/internationals/.
In the blog site, it talks all about the topic on international students. One of the advantages in using blogs for an organization is that consumers can be better informed and create a long-term relationship with them. When consumers have issues and problems towards a particular product, they can go to the company's blog and then find their answers there. By going through the blogs, then can also share their knowledge about the product or service within the organization. When a client doesn't have the answers, another client might help them solve the problem and so forth. Another benefit of having blogs is thatblogs can be a positive way of getting feedback. Instead of calling for customer services, most answers may be inside the blog. Clients would just need to click to get their answers. Finally, blogs can show the organization's professional expertise. It shows that the organization cares about their customers and try to resolve as much problems as possible.
Although blogs have its advantages, it also comes with disadvantages. People who share their knowledge in blogs can sometimes be confusing, since not all people know how to effectively express themselves. Also, not all bloggers have something to say about a specific topic. They may pass by and then leave without commenting on anything. They might also make things more disorganized. Furthermore, organizations might find it hard to maintain good quality control on blogs, since writing coherently requires time. If the blog is not updated frequently, it may damage organizations' reputation.
To conclude on blogs, every use of IT has their own advantages and disadvantages. If an organization can maximize the advantages of blog and minimize the disadvantages, surely blogs can be useful in promoting the reputation of a company.