Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Organizational use of Blog?

Over the last few years, blogs have become one of the most popular online personal publishing platform on the internet. It is define as a website that contain frequent updates post with the newest at the top of the page. The type of information contained in blogs varies from people and organizations. Authors of blogs can write on their personal lives, schools, sports and anything that interest them. Since blogs are websites, they can link or post any other hyperlinks about a specific topic, which can transmit that topic to other people quickly. An example of organizational use of blog would be in this blog: http://concordiablogs.typepad.com/internationals/.

In the blog site, it talks all about the topic on international students. One of the advantages in using blogs for an organization is that consumers can be better informed and create a long-term relationship with them. When consumers have issues and problems towards a particular product, they can go to the company's blog and then find their answers there. By going through the blogs, then can also share their knowledge about the product or service within the organization. When a client doesn't have the answers, another client might help them solve the problem and so forth. Another benefit of having blogs is thatblogs can be a positive way of getting feedback. Instead of calling for customer services, most answers may be inside the blog. Clients would just need to click to get their answers. Finally, blogs can show the organization's professional expertise. It shows that the organization cares about their customers and try to resolve as much problems as possible.

Although blogs have its advantages, it also comes with disadvantages. People who share their knowledge in blogs can sometimes be confusing, since not all people know how to effectively express themselves. Also, not all bloggers have something to say about a specific topic. They may pass by and then leave without commenting on anything. They might also make things more disorganized. Furthermore, organizations might find it hard to maintain good quality control on blogs, since writing coherently requires time. If the blog is not updated frequently, it may damage organizations' reputation.

To conclude on blogs, every use of IT has their own advantages and disadvantages. If an organization can maximize the advantages of blog and minimize the disadvantages, surely blogs can be useful in promoting the reputation of a company.




RFID disadvantages

The RFID technology seems to be the next generation technology, but with its expensive installation cost, it is hard to adopt for small and medium enterprises. For additional information on RFID costs, visit this website: http://www.rfidjournal.com/faq/20

Another disadvantage that RFID has is the interference of other radio waves such as a presense of mobile phone towers. Although RFID uses radio waves and can track a product anywhere, it is also possible that other radio waves such as cellphones can interrupt these radio waves, which might lead to unattainable information or false information. Furthermore, each country may have their own sets of range in frequencies that allow RFID tags to function. This will make international shipping companies and other companies to follow each countries rules and laws, which may become very time consuming. Lastly, RFID can be used as an invasive technology. Customer's identity or privacy information can be tracked if stores or a facility does not deactivate the RFID tags in a product after purchased. If left alone, by simply holding the product, any RFID reader can process the information inside the RFID tag, which may be harmful to the person. Even if the RFID is costly to install and can be used to steal people's information, it can be a great asset if this techology is used properly.




RFID advantages

As mentionned in my previous post, the main advantage of having RFID is the non-line of sight identification of tags. This provide RFID the ability to identify moving objects that have tags embedded in, since we do not require a line of sight. RFID can also minimize human errors, can store a larger volume of data in the tag and can be read up to several feet away. RFID can be used anywhere, including live stock, army, and scientific areas. For instance, asset tracking. Companies can put RFID tags on assets and then trace it back anywhere in storage room. When an asset is hard to locate, RFID can trace it with its wireless ability. Another example in using RFID is manufacturing. In manufacturing plants, workers can use RFID to track parts and work in process to reduce the risk of defects. can manage production more effectively and can keep an eye on supply chains within a company. In other words, supply chain management. Retailers such as Best Buy, Metro and Wal-mart are beginning to adopt this technology, because it can improve the work of supply chain and making sure if a product is available for sale. So, any retailers can have great benefits in adopting RFID. Another great benefit of RFID is the payment systems. RFID can speed up the process of payment for road tolls and many other quick service restaurants around the world. This provides customers to save alot of queuring time and can get their service quicker. Lastly, RFID can be used as an electronic key to gain access to an office building or any safe place. This can make employees enter the office building easier without having swiping a magnetic card or anything that need to be contact. RFID does not require any contact and therefore provide less wear and maintenance. With all these advantages stated, it is possible for a company, who have adopted this technology, be in a competitive advantage over other companies and being able to solve alot of internal issues. For additional information on the benefits of RFID, please visit the following website:

Will RFID replace existing IT technologies?

There is one existing IT technology that is very similar to RFID, the bar code. The main difference between these two technologies is that the bar codes need a line of sight signals. RFID does not need a line of sight, because it uses radio waves, which is wireless. The other differences between these two technologies is that RFID can store relativel a larger volume of data and can be read up to several feets away. The bar codes need to be in a close range and can only store a limited volume of data. It may seem that every company and organization should switch to use the RFID technology instead of bar code, but the main obstacle in making this switch is the cost of RFID. It is much more expensive compared with the bar code. Nevertheless, RFID has the potential in replacing the bar code technology in the future with a larger volume storage and the ability to retrieve data without using line of sight. For more information about bar code, please visit this website: "http://www.barcodecanada.ca/#barcode"


All you need to know about RFID

RFID (Radio frequency identification) is an emerging IT that is used to describe a system that retrieves information on identity about a person or an object wirelessly by uing radio waves. An example of RFID would be the use of a SpeedPass in esso gas stations. The purpose of an RFID system is to transmit data of an identity by using a portable device called tag, which is accessed by an RFID reader. Then, it will retrieve all the neccesary information according to the needs of a situation. A RFID tag consists of a microchip attached to a radio antenna. The chip have a storage data capacity of 2 kilobytes. To retrieve the data stored inside of a RFID tag, a RFID reader is required. A reader is a machine that has one or many antennas that transmit radio waves and receive signals back from the tag. By acquiring the necessary data, the RFID reader passes the information into digital information that can be passed on to cmputers that can make use of it. To know more about RFID components, visit this website: "http://www.olympic-data-capture.com/rfid.htm"
